

Sulfateq will exploit the knowledge of the following pending patents:

  • Talaei, R.H. Henning, A.C. van der Graaf. Compounds for the prevention of cell injury. PCT/EP2011/056146
  • A.C. van der Graaf, A. Heeres, J.P.G. Seerden. Compounds for protection of cells. PCT/NL2013/050915
  • A.C. van der Graaf, M. Schmidt, G.J.W. Euverink, H. Meurs, R.H. Henning. 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-compounds for the treatment of chronic obstructive airway diseases. PCT/EP2015/063579
  • A.C. van der Graaf, R.H. Henning, L.E. Deelman, G.J.W. Euverink. Compound for the prophylaxis or treatment of organ damage. PCT/EP2016/060731

Furthermore, we have running patent applications which are not public yet.