SUL-238 featured in Nature Medicine
We are excited to announce that our lead drug candidate SUL-238 has been featured in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine. The article highlights hibernation as a source of inspiration for drug development, which also forms the basis for our...
Waarom hebben mensen geen winterslaap?
Wintersleep as medicine?
Wintersleep or hibernation is used by some animals to survive harsh environmental conditions, but not all animals can hibernate. Interestingly, hibernators possess protective mechanisms that allows them to withstand or repair cell and organ damage...
Promising new medicine SUL-238 (HCl salt of SUL-138) has a new publication: Safety study SUL-138 in rat and minipig
Sulfateq is happy to announce that a new scientific manuscript detailing the safety of SUL-138 is published in the leading journal Toxicology Reports. This manuscript details the safety, tolerability and toxicokinetic data of SUL-138, an obligatory...
Dagblad van het Noorden ‘Een nieuw molecuul uit Groningen als wapen tegen oude ziektes’
SUL-238: A Groundbreaking First-in-Class Medication Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Multiple Chronic Diseases
This week, the first dosings of SUL-238 in healthy volunteers in a Phase I study marks a major milestone in the clinical development of this hibernation-derived, first-in-class drug. The phase I study investigates the safety, tolerability and...